Sustainability Forum


Sports Forum / Unleashing Creativity, Achieving the Impossible

This forum has invited domestic sports education experts, national athletes, and coaches to share their academic and practical experiences, as well as how to overcome challenges and the impact of sports education on society, the environment, and individuals. The forum aims to establish a platform for communication and interaction in sports education, improve the quality and effectiveness of sports education, and promote the sustainable development of sports education.

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Environmental Forum / Go Action! Embedding the DNA of Resilience in Civic Environmentalism

This forum aims to promote the practice of environmental protection and sustainable development in Keelung City, and will focus on issues such as marine conservation, mountain ecology, renewable energy, and green campus construction. The forum seeks to find innovative solutions to protect the natural environment and promote sustainable socio-economic development.
Experts and scholars, environmental organizations, representatives of teachers from local and neighboring counties, teachers, and representatives of local parents will be invited to participate, share experiences, and discuss solutions. We hope to achieve sustainable development of Keelung’s environment and create a better environment for future generations.

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Tolerance Forum / Strategies for Fostering Inclusion and Equity in Education

This forum focuses on issues such as language learning, thinking cultivation, moral education, mutual respect, special education, and emotional education. Its aim is to promote comprehensive development and establish an inclusive and equal society.
Experts, scholars, domestic and foreign teachers are invited to participate, share experiences, exchange views, explore feasible educational strategies, and shape a better future for students and society through diverse dialogues and collaborations.

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Science and technology forum / Sustainable learning methods in the era of AI and digitalization

This forum aims to explore the application of digital technology and AI in the field of education, promote sustainable development of education, and shape the power of learners to face the future. It also discusses the crisis and solutions of education under the wave of digital technology, and focuses on solving the problems of learning gaps and educational inequality.
The forum is also committed to promoting the national literacy program, cultivating digital and media literacy to cope with the challenges of the digital society. At the same time, it explores the combination of science education and cultural education, promotes the two-way integration of science and culture, cultivates learners’ interdisciplinary abilities and creative thinking, and also explores the future of education, cultivating learners’ creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities to meet the challenges of future society.
Experts, scholars, teachers from inside and outside the system, and representatives of advocates will be invited to participate, share experiences, exchange views, and achieve sustainable development of education and comprehensive growth of learners!

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